Flush Frenzy is back at Ocala Poker and Jai-Alai!



From now until drawing day, win a pot with any flush (as long as both cards in your hand play) and qualify for a giveaway drawing on Jan. 4. The total prize pool for these drawings total $1,500, and the grand prize is two tickets for the FBS National Championship Game, which includes two nights’ accommodations.

$100 at 4 p.m.; $100 at 5; $100 at 6; $100 at 7; $200 at 8; $200 at 9; $200 at 10 and $500 at 11. The grand prize will drawn at 11:45 p.m.

For more information visit the <a href="http://www.ocalapoker.com/">Ocala’s Web site</a>.

And for the rest of Ocala’s promotions click <a href="http://anteupmagazine.com/blog/?p=253">here</a>.

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