Ante Up Most Popular Dealer contest returns



Ante Up’s Most Popular Dealer contest has returned and this year it’s much improved, especially the nomination process, which allows just about anyone to nominate a dealer to win our grand prize.
One year ago, Ante Up launched a worldwide contest to find out who was the Most Popular Dealer in America. This year, we’re going to do it again.

Leslie Messmer of Horseshoe Casino Cleveland earned the title in the inaugural contest and she’ll be the only dealer not eligible to compete in the second edition, which has been made better through suggestions from Ante Up’s readers.

“We were absolutely floored by the support we received for the first Ante Up Most Popular Dealer contest,” Ante Up’s Scott Long said. “So many dealers and casino staff thanked us for finally giving dealers the recognition they so richly deserve for making poker so much fun to play in a casino environment.
“And we very much appreciated all of the comments and suggestions we received from contestants and voters alike on how we can make this year’s contest even better,” Long said. “We knew with any project this ambitious that we’d have a few hiccups the first time around. We’re excited we’ve made the second contest more inclusive and enjoyable for everyone involved.”

Perhaps the biggest change this year will be that not only can dealers nominate themselves, but friends, family and employers can nominate a dealer who might be too shy to do so themselves. Applications will be taken at through May 23.

“We heard from a number of dealers who told us they would have been honored to have been nominated, but didn’t want to nominate themselves, as well as from plenty of players and employers who would have liked to give recognition to their favorite dealers,” Long said. “So to be as inclusive as possible, this year we are allowing just that, provided that those nominating dealers give us a direct way to contact their nominee if they’re chosen by our staff to compete.”

Additionally, the voting process will be cleaner, easier and more fair this year.

“We will be using different vendors this year for voting, which we know will result in a much better experience all around for our nominees and their fans who wish to vote for them,” Long said. “We look forward to again reading why dealers and their nominators love the game of poker and the very important role dealers play in the game. That was the most heart-warming thing last year, not only for me, but our entire staff here at Ante Up.”

How YOU can be Ante Up’s MPD

• Apply at through May 23. (Applications also will be taken from friends and employers of dealers if they provide contact information for the dealer they’re nominating).
• Ante Up’s staff, provided no identifying information on applicants, will do a “blind” vote to determine the 50 dealers who will compete.
• Ante Up readers worldwide will be asked to vote on the 50 contestants to determine the five finalists.
• One final worldwide vote will be conducted to determine Ante Up’s 2016 Most Popular Dealer, who will win an Ante Up Poker Cruise package for two for the Nov. 14 sailing. All five finalists will win prize packages, including a pair of Blue Shark Optics.
If you’re a poker dealer, here’s your chance to win a free poker cruise. If you know a dealer who you think is our MPD, here’s your chance to help win them a poker cruise.

Ante Up Magazine

Ante Up Magazine