Month: November 2011


Be sure to measure your ability honestly

A wise man once said, “You’ll be judged by what you accomplish, not in what you attempt.” Most players I know think of themselves as good players, some with large egos consider themselves great players primarily because they’ve played for such a long time. Longevity in poker doesn’t equate with greatness. I’ve known many lifelong […]

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Al Spath

When in doubt, send a scout

In poker, we’re faced with situations we’re unsure of, so we “send out a scout.” Though much like that of pinochle, this is not a

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District of Columbia

DOJ Responds to the Pretrial Motions of Elie & Campos

On Friday, Pokerati reported that the United States Department of Justice filed a response to the pretrial motions of Chad Elie and John Campos, two men indicted on Black Friday for their roles as payment processor and Utah banker, respectively. The…

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How much can a poker pro expect to win?

Every time I do a webinar, where members of my training site,, can log in and ask me questions, I find myself answering one specific question every time. It is “When should I become a professional poker player?” To hopefully avoid re-answering the same again in the future, here are my thoughts on the […]

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New York

Poker Road Trip: New York

By Christopher Cosenza It’s easy for the avid poker player to think of the underground rooms in Rounders when “New York” and “poker” is mentioned

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