Florida swelling with WSOP satellites in April
There are numerous Florida locations hosting World Series of Poker satellites in April. <strong>St. Johns Greyhound Park (Jacksonville)</strong>: Saturday, April 19, 1 p.m. $150, (1-2
There are numerous Florida locations hosting World Series of Poker satellites in April. <strong>St. Johns Greyhound Park (Jacksonville)</strong>: Saturday, April 19, 1 p.m. $150, (1-2
Josh Hafenbrack of the <a href="http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/orl-locgamble14041409apr14,0,4351848.story">South Florida Sun-Sentinel</a> says floor votes could come this week in the Florida House and Senate on competing bills that
Ante Up Poker Media LLC, is dedicated to everyday poker players and their poker rooms. The business was founded in 2008, and has managed to combine the poker and media worlds since then in order to inform, entertain and inspire poker players around the world through a variety of products.
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