The World Poker Tour brings its $10K main event to Florida for the first time, and Taylor Von Kriegenbergh captures the title. … Black Friday is analyzed by some of the best experts in the field of poker and online gaming, plus we offer you two letters you can send to President Obama and your local representatives. … Local columns for the Northeast (Manchvegas gets a facelift), New Jersey-Pennsylvania (power returns to East Coast poker), Louisiana (LSPC), Mississippi (Tunica floods), Florida ($2 jackpot rakes), Chicagoland (HPT visits Majestic), Kentuckiana (more floods) and Missouri (WSOPC). Plus we have results from all over the country, including the Venetian Deep Stack II, WSOPC in Vegas and Chester, Battles at the Beach in Florida and much more. … Jonathan Little says here’s how to deal with four bets cold. … Joe Navarro talks about five tells you probably never thought of. … Lee Childs says Black Friday was the kick in the pants he needed. … We look at what we think are the top 5 poker chapters ever written. … PPA executive director John Pappas is On the Button.
Ante Up Poker Media LLC, is dedicated to everyday poker players and their poker rooms. The business was founded in 2008, and has managed to combine the poker and media worlds since then in order to inform, entertain and inspire poker players around the world through a variety of products.
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