Can Bingo Help You Win At Poker?



Bingo and poker are sometimes considered to be at opposite ends of the gambling spectrum. Online bingo is low stakes casino game that boasts a social atmosphere, and the prizes are often on the low end. Online poker, on the other hand, is a high-stakes game where players will put forward a lot of money to try and beat their opponents. Talking is kept to a minimum, and poker players take the game very seriously.

With all that said, you would expect there to be very little overlap between the two games. However, there are ways in which you can use your bingo skills to improve your poker game. Don’t believe us? Read on to find out more.

The Bingo Strategy

Poker players are so engrossed by the nature of online bingo that they actually have a name that refers to people that join a poker game with a bingo player’s mentality. The bingo strategy doesn’t specifically adhere to those that only play bingo, but the approach for players that use this technique is very similar to that of online bingo in that they do not have one.

Poker is an extremely tense casino game, one that requires you to bluff and read the facial expressions of the players around you. However, coming in with no strategy at all can perplex your rivals just as much, and no one in the gambling community has less of a need for a strategy than bingo players.

Therefore, the ease at which you play bingo can help you to play poker. This type of strategy makes your movements unpredictable, and that can sometimes be worse than playing against someone with an air-tight plan. At least players have something to try and crack.

Social Cues

One of the downsides that players find when they play at online casinos is that they miss the social aspect. This can make it difficult for land casino players to transition to an online casino. Failure to communicate properly during an online poker game could cost you the game, and no one wants that.

There is one place online where socialising during a casino game is key; however, and that is at all the online bingo sites. These online chat rooms encourage their players to talk amongst themselves, and the best bingo sites will make the banter part of the game. Just look at the sites that have the best bingo reviews for confirmation of this.

Therefore, you can try out your online chat skills in a low-stakes game like bingo before bringing these skills over to the online poker table.


A key part of the game for most avid poker players is bluffing. Being able to trick another player into betting more chips because of your facial cues is a remarkable talent, but one that takes practice. Sometimes, the poker stakes are too high for you to try and bluff and a lack of confidence in this ability can cause you to lose big on a standard hand. Fortunately, there are other online casino games where you can practice this technique.

While bingo isn’t as serious as online poker, players do still have to exercise patience to stand a chance at the bigger prizes. A bingo player that is calm and collected needs to listen out and be ready to shout without giving away their intentions to the other players around them. Sound familiar?

Since bingo doesn’t require a large deposit to play, you can try a few games to get used to the idea of keeping a cool head and bluffing now and again. Then, bring the skills you have learned to the poker table, and you should notice a difference.


As mentioned above, bingo and poker are often considered to be on opposite ends of the online casino spectrum. However, they need not be.

Just because online poker is an extremely high-stakes game, that does not mean that you should go in under pressure. Feeling tense can throw you off your game, not to mention how easy this state of mind can be manipulated by the right type of player. Therefore, you need to learn to relax, and you will find no better casino game to teach you this technique than online bingo.

bingo players are rarely focused on the prize pot. They are far too busy enjoying themselves and this is the approach you should take to all other online casino games. Learn to have fun like bingo players and your poker game is likely to improve.


Winning at a game of poker is never guaranteed; however, there are strategies that you can use to increase your odds.  Surprisingly, one of these strategies involves playing online bingo as it helps you achieve a better state of mind when faced with a tough situation. Give it a go and see if your poker game improves.

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