How to turn a hobby into a digital business according to those that have done it



Most people don’t enjoy their job. It is an indisputable fact. While a lot of people will lie and say they are happy or content in their work, you can always see in their eyes that they are holding back the urge to scream or cry. We work because we need money to pay for food, rent, and to buy things we either need or want. But ideally, we’d much rather be spending our precious time with our hobbies. Whether it is painting, taking part in sports, watching bands or playing games online, it is these leisure activities that we actually look forward to.

If you were to ask the average person in the street if they would give up their job to focus on their hobby, 99 percent of people would instantly scream YES and ask you how it was possible. Now, is it possible? Not for every hobby obviously, it would be quite difficult to stamp collecting, lego building or baton twirling into a full-time job (though we have to state not entirely impossible, just unlikely). However, there are certainly some past times that could indeed become business, and in the current modern age, digital businesses. Here are just a few ways you can try to make that dream turn into a reality, according to some research we did with

Set your goals, do your research

Unfortunately, being passionate about a hobby isn’t going to be enough to turn it into a successful digital business. It obviously is the best place to start, but it is going to take a lot more than that to get it off the ground and have the business become sustainable. The first thing to do is to set realistic goals and write yourself a business plan. Ask yourself what you want to get out of this endeavor – is it going to be a little project to keep yourself occupied when your regular job is quiet, so something nice to have on the side? Or, is it going to be a full time, life-consuming business? What are your short-term and long-term goals? What will it cost to run? These are vital questions that need to be answered at the outset.

Equally important is doing some thorough market research. While your hobby might be super interesting to you, if others aren’t going to share your passion then it is unlikely to ever get off the ground. Are there similar companies out there already doing exactly what you’re about to do? Is there a hole in the market that you could fill? That is why it is vital to heavily research your field right at the beginning, to make sure you aren’t about to jump into something headfirst, without knowing where you are going to land.

Sell yourself, as well as the idea

It takes an enormous amount of confidence and self-belief to get any project like this off the ground. Therefore, you must have unshakable faith in your concept and plan. A good test for this is to try and condense your idea into a short minute-long pitch, that you can reel off without any notice. Practice this speech over and over, to friends and family, to make sure you are absolutely nailing it. Make eye contact, speak clearly and confidently.

When it gets serious and you are speaking to potential investors, along with your idea/business/product, you need to be selling yourself as well. Companies won’t want to hand over money if they don’t have to, which is why it is imperative they believe in you the creator, as well as your creation.

Advertise, find your audience

It really should be fairly obvious, but just in case it isn’t, trying to start a digital business without a functioning and attractive website is not going to lead to anything. 30 years ago maybe it wasn’t quite such an important step in setting up a business, but in the modern world it is absolutely crucial. These days, it doesn’t require a coding genius to set one up (although a basic grasp of HTML would certainly help) as there are plenty of website templates and hosting companies that can help you get started for only minimal fees.

Once the website is up and running, you need to advertise your services to the masses, to locate your potential customers. This is where your market research will come in handy, as you know who to target. Get on relevant forums and spread your message. Get everyone you know involved in helping out with this stage, as hopefully, they can aid you in your quest in reaching as many people as possible.

Best of luck!

These are just a few essentials you need to consider when launching a digital business. After months, maybe even years of planning, you’ll know when it’s time to get your product/idea out into the real world. If you’ve done the hard work and sufficient planning, this should be the first day of the rest of your life. Good luck!

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