Running Aces in Minnesota to give away Ante Up Poker Cruises



Running Aces Harness Park in Columbus, Minn., is going to be giving away at least 10 Ante Up Poker Cruise packages. All of the packages will be for the Oct. 19 cruise sailing out of Galveston, Texas, with stops in Honduras, Belize and Mexico.

“It’ll kind of be like a Running Aces Poker Cruise,” tournament director Tristan Wilberg said.

Cruise packages will be added as prizes to the Monday night freerolls. Also, the first of two satellites for a package will be Jan. 26. Depending upon demand, there could be even more packages awarded.

Freerolls are at 6 p.m. on Dec. 30, Jan. 6 and Jan. 20 (packages were awarded in other December freerolls, too). The freerolls are open to all players, with registration beginning at4 p.m. Players start with 2,000 units, but can buy five $10 add-ons before their first card is dealt. Each add-on is good for 5,000 units, so players can start with as many as 27K units.

The winner of each freeroll wins an Ante Up Poker Cruise package for two.

On Jan. 26, the club will run a $225 buy-in satellite that will pay a $2,000 cruise/cash package to the top 10 percent of the field for the Oct. 19 sailing out of Galveston.

RAKE BACK REBATE: Running Aces Rake Back promotion will continue into January. The promotion allows players to earn $10 per hour rake back based upon the number of hours played in a month and dramatically increased attendance in November.

“We were averaging five to eight games a day and we jumped to 15-23. It was a big increase,” cardroom manager Gregg Bartku said.

TIMED TOURNAMENTS: Running Aces has introduced timed no-limit tournaments to simulate no-limit cash games. Buy-in is $545 for a three-hour tournament. Players get 500 tournament chips with blinds starting at $2-$5 and increasing to $5-$5 at the halfway mark. At the end of the tournament, each player is paid $1 for each tournament chip. Larger stakes, longer duration and PLO are available upon request.

— Email John Somsky at

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