Big charity poker changes on the way in Michigan



The Michigan Gaming Control Board announced several changes in the rules governing charity rooms that will take effect Sept. 1. Among the changes, charities will be limited to selling chips from 8 a.m. to midnight on any given day. Charities had been allowed to sell chips until 2 a.m. This reduces the hours the charity rooms are open during their most profitable hours.

In addition, only three charities will be allowed per room (some rooms had been running as many as six). Because charities are limited to sell $15K in chips per day, this new rule reduces the possible amount of money in play from $90K to $45K. There are other rule changes going into effect, but these are the ones that have been the most discussed by the Michigan poker community.

These changes come after downtown Detroit casinos announced some changes to their offerings. For example, Greektown Casino changed the buy-in in its $1-$2 no-limit games from $50-$200 to $100-$300 or to the largest stack at the table. It also introduced a short-stack game with a $50-$100 max buy-in.

• Motor City Casino opened a new smoking room with five tables that allow players to smoke at the table.

• MGM didn’t announce any recent changes, but its bad-beat jackpot has soared to more than $257K at press time.

— Email Frank Panama at

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