Lots to learn in October poker cruise to Bermuda



Christmas, Thanksgiving and the World Series of Poker are three of my favorite times of the year. The next best thing for me, other than just spending time with my wife and son, is when I get to go on an Ante Up Poker Cruise. I have been on four of them and have had an absolute blast every time. I get to meet so many people, play lots of poker and conduct a few training classes. The poker room managers and dealers are some of the best in the business. Also, every time we’ve been on board, a few of my students end up winning heaps of money in the tournaments or cash games, taking my advice to heart to improve their game for years to come.

I’ve never looked forward to a cruise more than the one in October. We will be sailing from Oct. 20-27 from New York metro area to Bermuda. I’ve never been to Bermuda, and I know this will be the best cruise. I always look forward to the action-packed cash games and tournaments, shows, sun, fruity drinks and hanging out with newfound friends. It’s just an awesome time to play poker, do some training and relax.

On this cruise, I’m launching my most extensive on-board training. I’ll have classes every day in the comfort of our own facility so you can incorporate new strategies into your game throughout the week. I’m a firm believer you must develop your game incrementally so you have time to focus and perfect certain things before you take it up another notch. I’m offering separate packages for tournament and cash-game courses as well as one focused on hand analysis. Passengers can book one or more packages tailored to exactly what they want to learn. For the cost of a $2-$5 cash game buy-in or mid-level tournament, you can attend a week of courses that will pad your wallet.

I have played millions of hands of poker. I have played at some of the highest and lowest levels. I have played most of my tournaments over the past couple of years at the same level that you’ll be playing. I’ve probably made more mistakes than most of you will have the opportunity to make. And I have learned from them and want to share my experience with you so you can save money and time. We all have leaks in our games and there’s always room for improvement. I see so many common mistakes and I want to make sure you fix those mistakes. I’ll also get your mind more prepared for the game, its variance and help you not only be better prepared mentally before you play, but how to keep focused, positive and in the moment.

We’re going to have a lot of fun in the class sessions and if you don’t take this opportunity to invest in your game, you probably will wish you had after we dock in New York. Book your cruise at anteupcruises.com and preregister for the sessions at inside-the-minds.com. I hope to see you there. Decide to Win!

— Lee Childs is the founder and lead instructor at Inside the Minds. For information about his group training sessions and personal coaching, visit inside-the-minds.com.

Ante Up Magazine

Ante Up Magazine