Bryan Schultz Wins World Series of Poker Circuit Harveys Lake Tahoe Main Event



The World Series of Poker Main Event Harveys Lake Tahoe is in the books, and after three long days of play Bryan Schultz was crowned the winner and took home the WSOPC ring and $111,812. Schultz outlasted a field of 327 players and an experienced final table to claim the title.

On the final day of play, 11 returned, and in less than 30 minutes of action, the final table was set. Ron McMillen and Dennis Pevarnick busted within just a few moments of each other, and the field was able to redraw and move to the feature table area.

Casey McCarrel was eliminated in ninth place. He saw a flop with David Clark and Ron Segni. The board was {7-Spades} {J-Diamonds} {4-Diamonds}, McCarrel checked, Clark bet 46,000, Segni raised to 110,00 and McCarrel check-raised all-in. Clark got out of the way and Segni called. McCarrel was on a king-high flush draw; Segni had a pair of jacks. The board finished with {5-Hearts}, {2-Clubs} and McCarrel’s day was done.

Chris Clark was the next player to go when he three-bet shoved from the cutoff. Joe Fernandez called from the small bind with pocket queens. Clark held {A-Hearts} {J-Hearts} and caught a piece of the {8-Diamonds} {10-Spades} {J-Clubs} flop, needed help to beat the queens, but bricked when the board finished {6-Hearts}, {4-Hearts}. He collected just under $13,000 for his eighth-place finish.

Fernandez was the next to go after he got involved in a three-way pot. More importantly, though, it was with Daniel Lowery, who was on a heater. The board ran {A-Spades} {10-Diamonds} {Q-Spades} {A-Clubs} {7-Diamonds}, and Lowery eyeballed Fernandez’s stack and moved all-in. Fernandez snap-called holding {A-Diamonds} {J-Hearts} for trip aces, but Lowery showed him bad news, flipping over {10-Spades} {10-Hearts} for a turned full house and sent Fernandez home in seventh place.

David Clark was next to go. Schultz opened from under the gun and action folded to Clark in the small blind. He moved all-in although he was behind holding {A-Spades} {10-Diamonds} against Schultz’s {A-Diamonds} {Q-Spades}. Clark couldn’t connect with the board and exited in sixth place.

Jim Atwood fell next. Schultz opened for 75,000 from under the gun and Atwood, who was nursing a short stack, called from the big blind. The flop came {J-Hearts} {K-Spades} {9-Hearts}, Atwood shoved and Schultz snap-called — having flopped top two pair. Atwood was on a flush draw but never got there and finished in fifth place.

Hank Czarnecki finished in fourth place when he got all his chips in the middle holding {A-Diamonds} {K-Diamonds}. Lowery was racing with pocket deuces and the board ran {10-Diamonds} {6-Hearts} {7-Diamonds} {4-Hearts} {J-Hearts}. Lowery’s pair held against big slick and sent Czarnecki to the payout desk.

Next out the door was Ron Segni after only four hands of three-handed play. Schultz opened for 100,000 on the button; Segni called from the small blind. The flop came {7-Hearts} {J-Clubs} {J-Hearts} and they both checked. The turn came {Q-Spades} and Segni moved in for just under 400,000. Schultz called and tabled {A-Clubs} {J-Diamonds}. Segni was on a flush draw and whiffed when the river fell {K-Spades}. Segni took home $50,000 for his third-place finish.

The decisive hand of heads-up play occurred when Schultz and Lowery got their stacks in the middle preflop. Lowery had Schultz out-chipped by only around 800,000. Schultz held {J-Diamonds} {9-Diamonds} and Lowery had {A-Diamonds} {J-Hearts}. The board ran {10-Diamonds} {A-Clubs} {7-Diamonds} {2-Diamonds} {A-Spades} and Schultz’s flush gave him a commanding lead. In the next hand, Lowery moved all-in holding {Q-Hearts} {8-Spades} and was up against {A-Hearts} {9-Clubs}. The board ran {7-Spades} {10-Hearts} {8-Diamonds} {2-Diamonds} {9-Spades} and the pair of nines locked up the win for Schultz.

WSOPC Harveys Lake Tahoe Results

*Place Player Prize
1 Bryan Schultz $111,812
2 Daniel Lowery $69,132
3 Ron Segni $50,210
4 Hank Czarnecki $37,087
5 Jim Atwood $27,843
6 David Clark $21,234
7 Joe Fernandez $16,448
8 Chris Clark $12,932
9 Casey McCarrel $10,320

Up next on the WSOPC schedule is Harrah’s Atlantic City, which runs from Dec. 1 through 12. Be sure to follow all the New Jersey action live on Pokernews, and remember to follow us on Twitter for up-to-the-minute news.

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