COVER STORY: Florida Gaming Summit
Here’s why Florida will never have a ‘level-playing field’
Here’s why Florida will never have a ‘level-playing field’
Poker players are a funny bunch. You’d be amazed at some of the stories we’ve heard over the past 17 months, but what stands out
By Ant Furnier Donnie Vann never has splashed the pot, stacked his chips or pitched his cards into the muck. He can’t do any chip
It has 29 tables, 31 televisions … and every poker eye in South Florida cast upon it. Welcome, Studz Poker Club at Calder Casino &
Poker pro Lee Childs says you may not be as good as you think you are.
Why do you play poker? To have a little fun, as a diversion, as a challenge, to grind out some extra money, as a semipro,
Ex-FBI guy Joe Navarro answers your poker tells questions.
The former straightman for High Stakes Poker speaks his mind about why he was fired,
and the Brooklyn boy comes out swinging.
Ante Up Poker Media LLC, is dedicated to everyday poker players and their poker rooms. The business was founded in 2008, and has managed to combine the poker and media worlds since then in order to inform, entertain and inspire poker players around the world through a variety of products.
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