Bad-beat jackpot news: Ocala’s @ $117K; Tampa Hard Rock $201K
The bad-beat jackpots at two Florida card rooms have reached critical mass. The poker room at Ocala Poker and Jai-Alai has surpassed $117K and Seminole
The bad-beat jackpots at two Florida card rooms have reached critical mass. The poker room at Ocala Poker and Jai-Alai has surpassed $117K and Seminole
<a href="http://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Bills/billsdetail.aspx?BillId=40442&SessionIndex=-1&SessionId=61&BillText=cardroom&BillNumber=&BillSponsorIndex=0&BillListIndex=0&BillStatuteText=&BillTypeIndex=0&BillReferredIndex=0&HouseChamber=S&BillSearchIndex=0">SB 836</a> advanced out of the Florida Senate’s Ways & Means Committee on Tuesday with an 11-8 vote, and may see its next action
Ante Up Poker Media LLC, is dedicated to everyday poker players and their poker rooms. The business was founded in 2008, and has managed to combine the poker and media worlds since then in order to inform, entertain and inspire poker players around the world through a variety of products.
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