Dania Jai-Alai’s poker room will now be open from noon to 3 a.m. (and possibly later) on Friday and Saturday nights. Since Florida poker rooms are supposed to be open only 12 hours, how’s this possible? A loop hole in the language from the state’s 2007 ruling allows for parimutuels to have 12-hour poker rooms "per permit." Just like its neighbor, Mardi Gras, Dania Jai-Alai (or more specifically Boyd Gaming) possesses two permits and has been granted permission to expand its poker room hours beyond the original state mandate of 12 hours per day. This is good news for its poker players, especially those playing in tournaments. If a tournament is going late on a Friday or Saturday, no longer will they have to close up shop and declare a winner. They’ll now be able to play on until there’s a winner.